Step-motor animations                  2001

 A disc lit by a stroboscopic light rotates. The disc is covered with a
 series of pictures which move in a spiral from the outer edge to the
 centre. The observer can follow the film along a radius inwards.  
 Like in memory one can move freely back and forth in time, here   
 you can switch track anytime to repeat a sequence.


  0 | 1-2 | 3-4 | 5-6 | 7-8 | 9-10 | 11-12 | 13-14 | 15-16 | 17-18 | 19-20 | 21-22 | 23-24 | 25-26 | 27-28 | 29-30 | 31-32 | 33-34 | 35-36 | 37-38

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Updated  2008-05-11


  ©.Partos 2002