Fireplace    1994

Stoneware town burning
with lamp oil. 





 Pinocchio             2000
 A box with a 500 meter long plastic tube on a roll. When you press a pedal,
 a voice says, in English: - Art can change the world. Then an air compressor 
 starts and the inflated tube grows a bit longer.


  0 | 1-2 | 3-4 | 5-6 | 7-8 | 9-10 | 11-12 | 13-14 | 15-16 | 17-18 | 19-20 | 21-22 | 23-24 | 25-26 | 27-28 | 29-30 | 31-32 | 33-34 | 35-36 | 37-38

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Updated  2008-05-11


  ©.Partos 2002