Proposal for Raoul Wallenberg memorial  1998
 History - as we call the great events of the  world - hits the individual with
 furious force, almost impossible to defend yourself against. The sculpture, which
 maps the streets of Budapest, is also a tornado with its centre in the blocks 
 where Raoul Wallenberg did his work, stood up to this force. It engulfed him. 
 The months in Budapest were, should have been, a short time in a young persons
 life. In Raoul Wallenberg's life these months turned out to be what attached him 
 in the history, our memory. For us, the tornado seems like a part of sacred 
 architecture, a memorial for the good deeds we need in our history. For
 Wallenberg himself, the pillar is instead a vortex down into oblivion, the 
 ceiling like prison bars.


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Updated  2008-05-11


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